Thursday, February 26, 2009

You Are An Artist

If I had to guess, I’d guess you don’t know who you are, what you are, what you’re here for, and what your real worth is. You probably think it would be pretty cool if you were one of the smartest, or one of the most athletic, or one of the most attractive, or one of the most talented; but you’ve probably decided that you are average at best, and perhaps below average in some areas. You probably think you lack that one area of genius that would mark you out as being truly special.

I am here to tell you that you are truly special because you do have that one area of genius. There is something that you can do with your life that is a really big deal. It is a bigger deal than making as much money as Bill Gates, or winning as many championships as Michael Jordan, or exhibiting the scientific genius of Einstein.

Is there some human achievement that you greatly admire? Perhaps you admire the Gettysburg Address. Or Beethoven’s sixth symphony. Or Michelangelo’s David. Or perhaps even Paul McCartney’s Hey Jude. Wouldn’t it be cool if, just once, you could create something like that?

The only problem is that for you to create something like that, you need to have some kind of superior creative capacity within. And you do. Your greatest and most magnificent attribute is your ability to love. If love were a sport, you could win a gold medal. If love were an art form, you could create a masterpiece for the ages.

Let me tell you the truth about you. You are an artist. You don’t work in oil, or watercolors, or clay, or stone. Your artistic expression is through the medium of love. You have the capacity to create a masterpiece, not for the ages, but for eternity.

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