Saturday, October 18, 2008

Daily Rest

“What about daily rest? Can I take a Sabbath every day?” Yes you can. I recommend that you spend about one third of every day taking a Sabbath rest. We call this period of the day “sleep.”

God tells us to plan our rest when it comes to the Sabbath day. Mark it on your calendar. Do it regularly. Don’t feel guilty about it. Be humble enough to admit to yourself that you need to rest.

You should do the same thing with your sleep. You should be humble enough to admit that you are not super human and that you need your sleep. You should approach your sleep with the same mental attitude that you approach your Sabbaths or your vacation.

“I’m going to rest now. I need to rest. God wants me to rest. I’m laying all of my problems aside now. I’m on vacation. I’m going to sleep.” I think you will be amazed at the difference a conscious decision to rest can make in both your days off and in the quality of your sleep. You are a problem solving machine. Your little brain is constantly simmering with ideas and struggling with problems. You need to tell yourself to turn all that off. It may take some practice at first, but in a very short time you will come to realize just how hard your mind was working and how wonderful it feels as you learn to let your mind rest.

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