Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why me, Lord? Why do I have to struggle with being overweight? Why do I have seasonal depression so that in the winter it requires superhuman self discipline not to eat sweets?

Why couldn’t I have lived as most of my ancestors lived, where famine was a fact of life? Why couldn’t I have lived with a life long fear of bad weather? Why couldn’t I have lived when just a little too much or too little rain at the wrong time would mean that we would face hunger? Why couldn’t I have lived in a time when two years of bad weather meant famine?

Why have I never had to listen to my children cry themselves to sleep at night because they were living on the knife’s edge of starvation? Why haven’t I felt the humiliation of and despair of a “breadwinner,” who had to watch his children turn into skin and bones before his very eyes in a situation where there was nothing, absolutely nothing, I could do about it?

Why me, Lord? Why do I always have enough to eat?

1 comment:

Liberty Watchman said...

Why me Lord? Why does MS keep me from doing so many things that I want to do in life? I haven't been able to run -- even to jog -- for 10+ years, to walk more than across the room in 3 years.

Why didn't I live 100 years ago or even 500 years ago when having a disability wasn't just difficult, it was deadly? Why am I, now that I am unable to work, not dependent on the scraps from a rich man's table? Why am I not an outcast in society abused, neglected, and taken advantage of in the most horrible ways. Why do I have a loving wife and son who wait on me literally hand and foot without complaint?

Why me, Lord?