Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rewarded for Reading

Every time you read this blog you are earning a reward. A record is made of the time you spent reading. An account is being kept. In some sort of account a balance is growing. The day is coming when you will receive your rewards.

All of this became clear to me when I was reading the Sermon on the Mount recently. The Holy Spirit pointed something out to me that I had never noticed before. I had always gotten the part about praying in private and not making a big public display of it. But I don’t think the fact that God will reward us from praying ever really registered with me. (Matt. 6:6)

Every time you read the Bible, pray, go to church, or read Christian teachings (such as this blog) you are doing something that has eternal consequences. God will remember each and every time you do that which is right. And God will reward you.

More Than Enough Time

God is not overwhelmed by the details of your life. If the very hairs on your head are numbered, God certainly has the capacity to remember ever single good deed that you have ever done. We must not make the mistake of thinking that God’s memory of our life is anything like our own memory of what we have done.

How many minutes of my life have been spent in prayer? The first answer that comes to mind is “not enough.” The second answer is “I have no idea.” But the real answer is a specific figure, the exact number of minutes that I have spent in prayer. If I were to ask God for that number right now He could give it to me – instantly. He wouldn’t have to pause for a moment and do some math in His head. He knows the answer that the question down to the exact number of seconds.

So the question that comes to mind is this: is God going to specifically review with me each time I prayer or is He going to base it on the total minutes spent? How will this work exactly? While I obviously can’t give any kind of a definitive answer, I do know that Jesus assures us that something as simple as giving a disciple of cup of water will be rewarded. (Mark 9:41) That seems awfully specific to me. One thing I do know, there will be more than enough time to review my life in whatever detail God desires to us. There is no reason, from a time standpoint, why God couldn’t spend more time reviewing my life with me than it actually took me to live my earthly life.

The other thing I am sure of is this: our lives are much more important than most of us realize. Why? What’s the big deal? Maybe it’s something as simple as this:

In this life

For a creature born in sin

Living for God and


The world

The flesh an

The devil

Requires heroic determination

And results in eternal glory

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