Thursday, July 24, 2008


Adultery is a form of extreme emotional cruelty. No one would have anything to do with me if I went home and beat the daylights out of my wife and kids. We no longer tolerate that kind of physical violence. But for some insane reason, most people wouldn’t have a major problem with me if I cheated on my wife. Her friends would be very upset, but I would not be viewed as a moral cripple the same way I would be if I beat my family up physically. Understand this, if you cut your wife, your kids bleed. Today we sneer at a (supposedly) self righteous society that would require a person wear a scarlet letter A in public as a punishment for adultery. Our diseased, morally crippled brains make us think we are more enlightened than that repressive society. If there is even an allegation of physical abuse against children the state rushes in and removes the children from the home pending an investigation. Why are we so uncaring about the emotional damage adultery does to spouses and children?

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