Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Perfect Mind #5

For a human being with a finite mind the act of creation is only the beginning of a process of discovery. When we conceive of something in our minds and try to create it, we make three important discoveries. First, we learn if it is even possible to make the thing in the first place; then we learn if the thing will work; and then we learn how well it will work.

After a prescription drug is invented we then have to spend time and millions of dollars finding out if it will work the way it is supposed to. In the process of testing we sometimes find out that the drug won’t do what we thought it would do, but that it will do something else entirely different than what we had in mind when we created it. There is a drug that was developed to help people stop smoking that was found to have significant value as an anti-depressant. No one had any idea that they were creating a drug to treat depression; it was a happy discovery made as the drug was tested. God does not learn anything new about what He has made after He has made it.

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