Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Perfect Mind #2

Our God is a creative God and because we are made in His image, we are creative people. That being said, the difference between His creative actions and ours is profound. When a human being creates, he takes things that already exist and combines then in ways that are new to him. I can sit down and create a simple melody, and it is possible that I will have chosen a combination of sounds that has never been combined before by another human being. God doesn’t create like that. God invented sound waves. Then He invented the human ear so that we could hear the sounds. Then He created within us a capacity to appreciate certain combinations of sounds and call them music.

In this we see not only the creativity of the perfect mind, but also the kindness of God. He didn’t have to make us with ears to hear. There is no particular reason why we should be able to smell bread as it bakes. It is conceivable that human beings could have been constructed in such a way so that babies could be conceived by the man giving a woman one single tap of his forefinger on her forehead.

As you walk through the world, may your eyes be open to see in God’s world, not only the breathtaking creativity of the Perfect Mind, but also the infinite kindness of God.

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