Sunday, March 27, 2011

We're okay but the car is wrecked.

Nancy and left for church last night around 4:30.  We never made it there.  A woman turned left in front of us on John Deere Road and totaled (I suspect) our vehicle.  We are thankful to God that we, and the lady who pulled in front of us, were able to walk away from the accident.  The Toyota Yaris did what is was supposed to do.  The integrity of the passenger's cabin was okay.  We were wearing our seat belts and both of our air bags deployed.

We are both a little sore and we may check in with the doctor tomorrow.  In any case both of us work with LPN's who can listen to our hearts and sort of check us over.

Life is very fragile.  Nancy and I both could have been badly hurt yesterday.  I have a brother and sister-in-law who live in the Tokyo area.  Both are fine for now.  And on Thursday night our Pastor's daughter in California fell.  That's all it was.  A simple fall.  But she lost the baby she was carrying that was due to be born in two weeks and she is fighting for her life right now.  Both her kidney's have shut down.

How wonderful it is to have Someone you can walk through life with hand in hand who will watch over you every moment of every day; give you strength when something bad happens; and welcome you home to heaven when something really bad finally happens that will turn out to be something really, really good. 

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