Monday, March 14, 2011

I Sort of "Saw" Mom After She Died

(from an email to my brother Wayne)  I sort of "saw" mom after she died.  I didn't see anything with my physical eyes.  The truth of the matter is that I think the Holy Spirit sort of communicated to me the essence of the way mom is now, more than He let me see her. 

Mom and I started out, like all mom's do with their kids, with me knowing nothing and mom, seemingly knowing everything.  I was a newborn.  I wasn't even a skull full of mush.  I was a skull virtually empty of content.  Then I caught up to her in the knowledge department and then I think, in all honesty, I slipped ahead of her and became more "grown up" than she was ever able to be (thought not without enormous flaws which are the fate of all of Adam and Eve's kids in this life).

Mom is now way ahead of me once again.  The sense that I got was of a Lois who is very, very wise.  Her serenity, should she be embodied and come back to visit us for a month or so, would be legendary.  All of the scars are healed.  All of the inner conflicts, hungers, doubts and fears are completely resolved.  She may actually be as far ahead of me now (if not farther) than she was ahead of me the day I was separated from her body for the first time.

So did mom fail?  Of course she did.  In Adam we all failed.  But in Christ we all succeed with a success that is so comprehensive that we are unable to fully grasp, while in this life, how radically awesome we are going to turn out to be in the end.  As Paul says, we are His workmanship.  We are His project and when He is done making us we shall be a stately as a mountain, as beautiful as a sunset, and as tranquil as a brook bubbling through a mature redwood forest.  We shall be as beautiful and as wise and as peaceful as He can make us.

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