Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tactics #3

So what is a tactic in the spiritual life? How do I actually get into this fight? What am I supposed to do? The answer is found in Romans 12:2. “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (NASB)

The devil conditions and trains us by developing thought patterns within us. A sinful impulse can arise from the direct influence of a fallen angel or it can arise from the sin infection that taints our natures. Most of the time when people say, “I feel tempted to so something,” they are not being subject to direct satanic manipulation at that moment; they are dealing with a programmed, habitual response built into their sin nature by the evil ones.

The concept is very simple. A thought comes into your mind. This thought is connected in some way with pleasure. You want to feel pleasure. You know you shouldn’t even think about that thing, but it seems hard to stop. The longer you think about it, the harder it gets to resist the impulse. And eventually, you give in. You give in because you have no plan. You don’t know any tactics. You have no idea what concrete steps you might take to win the battle.

What we are going to do is to teach you what to think about when you are tempted. It’s just that simple, and just that hard. For this to work, you’re going to have to memorize some of these ideas, or carry them around on note cards or a PDA. You are going to have to build a new habit by thinking about the same things over and over again when you are tempted. Through grit and determination you will learn to fight the good fight of faith and you will start to win some of these battles.

To some of you, this may sound like psychology. This may sound like something a human being can do in his own strength, and most of you have been taught that you can’t do anything in your own strength. It all has to be done through the Holy Spirit’s power. I couldn’t agree more. We have to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and that power can only come through the Holy Spirit.

Long time readers of this blog will remember that I place a major emphasis on the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. There is a time and a place for deeply emotional experiences. I’m not opposed to any of that. But the basic function of the Holy Spirit is to impart truth to your inner being. Truth and life are synonymous in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said that He was the truth and the life. Living truth breathed into our innermost man by the Holy Spirit will set us free.

But how does this connect with the grit and determination needed to learn new thought habits? Is this something I have to do myself or does the Holy Spirit do it for me? The answer is that you do it together.

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