Thank you for giving us this day our daily bread.
Thank you for life and strength and health to work
Thank you for an opportunity to work where I am wanted and needed
Thank you that I do not live in a mud hut and cook my food over a dung fire as millions do
Thank you that I have never once heard my children cry because they were hungry
Thank you for a standard of living that would make medieval nobility envious
Lord, let this be a settled thing in my heart. I am a rich man. I am wealthy. I have more than I need and all too often more than I can intelligently use.
Please set me free from the illusions of materialism:
- That things will make me happy
- That I NEED something that I don't
- That my thoughts should not be filled with visions of stuff, how to obtain it, and how to use it
Please continue to grant me favor with my employers and wisdom in how to do my job
Please prosper my employers and bless them because they are a blessing to me
But help me to always, only, see You as the source of all I have and all I need.
Can I print this out an post it at my work? Marcia
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