Now I want to go back to what I experienced when I finished reading the sermon on the mount. If I may be so bold as to quote myself, then Holy Spirit inside me said, “This is what you have been looking for.” I’d like to talk about that for a few minutes.
I’ve only heard an audible voice once in my whole life. It was so real that I turned around to see who was speaking, but there was no one there. All of the rest of the communication I have received from God has been what is referred to in the Bible as the still, small voice. Basically, what happens is that God puts a thought in your brain. Now if you think about it, if we believe in a devil who can put thoughts in our brains, then wouldn’t it make sense that God could and would do the same thing?
But how do we tell the difference between a God inspired thought, a devil inspired thought, or our own thoughts (which is like 99.999% of what goes on in your brain)? Experience will teach you. Unfortunately, this is something that is better “felt than telt.” And yes, you are likely to make mistakes from time to time.
The cards and letters I have been sending you are a perfect example of what I have been talking about. I had an inward sense, some might call it an inward intuition that I should reach out to you at this time. Originally I was just going to do the cards, but then I found myself having too much to say to fit it on 3 X 5 cards. With that, I began to get the sense the I should share my spiritual autobiography with you. I also sense that, if you haven’t already, these letters will lead you to believe in God in a new and deeper way, which is sometimes called “saving faith.”
So, how am I doing so far? Did I really hear from God? Was I supposed to share this material with you?
Here are two tests you can apply to what you perceive to be inward guidance. First and most important, is what you are feeling led to do in any way contrary to the clear teaching of the Bible? I have heard stories of people who had gotten a “revelation” that they were supposed to divorce their wife, and a woman was supposed to divorce her husband, and then the two of them were supposed to get married. Obviously anyone who thought God was telling them to do this hasn’t been reading their Bible very much.
The other test you can use is to ask the question, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” In this case, the only bad thing that I can think of that could happen because I have written this to you is that you might decide I am some kind of a spiritual wack job. I guess I’m willing to take that risk to do what I believe God is asking me to do.
To be continued . . .
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