I can tell you how to double your income without increasing the number of hours you work each week. Using my proven system you can actually get paid twice for the hours you work. Not only that, 100% of your “second salary” will to into a unique financial instrument, 100% tax free! Not only that, it will be 100% tax free when you eventually draw on the account! And believe it or not, God doesn’t expect you to tithe on the second income! Imagine where you will be ten years from today if you literally double your income and save half of it tax free? And you can have my proven system for only four easy payments of $49.95! But wait! If you call in the next six minutes, we will make one of the payments for you! That’s right! You can have my proven system for only three easy payments of $49.95! That’s a savings of $49.95 off the regular price. And we’ll even include free shipping! Simply call the toll free number below!
But … what if I really had such a system? And what if I was willing to give it to your for free? Right here. Right now. Would you be interested in that deal?
My system is very simple. Pray this prayer at the beginning of your work day.
“Father, I have to go to work now. Please help me to be mindful of You throughout the day. Please help me to rely on You and to receive from You strength and wisdom to do my work. Please help me to do my work unto You, as an act of worship. Please help me to be consciously motivated by the reward I will receive in the life to come. Please make me an instrument through whom You can love and bless others this day. May the light of my testimony be used in bringing my co-workers to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Amen.“
“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” (Col. 3:23, 24 NASB)
My system even works for work you do for which you receive no actual pay, like cleaning the bathroom. But you’ll probably need to copy the prayer and actually pray it at the beginning of each work day until it the whole thing becomes real to you.
Of course, if anyone would like to go ahead and send in those three easy payments of $49.95, I will go ahead and make the fourth payment for you. Honest!
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