More from my reactions to a video supporting evolution. You'll need some background here. An man named Michael Behe wrote a book called "Darwin's Black Box." It is a great book. In my opinion it totally destroys the theory of macro evolution. In the first few minutes of his speech, this is what the science guy had to say about Behe:
The guy is saying that says Michael Behe believes that Astrology is a scientific theory. The implication is clear. Behe doesn't believe in evolution, so if we can just get him to be honest with us, he will reveal all kinds of crackpot ideas. Well, I've read Behe's book. There is simply no way this man believes in Astrology.
So I go to do some research. This lie is all over the web. It's simply not true.
Michael Behe was asked about astrology when he was acting as a witness at a trial. He admitted that astrology used to be considered a scientific theory but that it had been discredited. The lawyer for the plaintive came back with one of those lawyerly questions: "So the idea of astrology fits the criterion for being considered a scientific theory?" Behe admitted this was so, but stressed that it was discredited by the evidence. His whole point was that just as Astrology has been discredited, he belives that evolution will be discredited by
And they are ALL LYING or unknowingly repeating a lie.
Here's the address of the trial transcript.
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