Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The News #10

My son just returned from a military deployment in the Middle East. He was not impressed by his exposure to the military forces of the host country. Discipline was lax. In one case a loaded weapon was left unattended. A gate at a base had a posted guard, but only on work days.

So why do we have such a powerful and effective military? The answer is not to be found in our potent economy; the host country could afford the very best in military technology. Once again one is tempted to assume a position of unconscious arrogance. We know how; they don’t. We’re smarter; we’re better; we rock.

In terms of military muscle the good old USA does indeed rock right now, but why and for how long? How many of you are loosing sleep worrying about the Italian military? Probably no one. But once upon a time one single city in Italy conquered the know world and established the longest lasting empire in world history.

How about those Mongolians! Are you worried about Mongolia? A lot of people would have a hard time finding Mongolia on a map. But once upon a time, for a period of about 100 years, the Mongolians conquered the largest land empire in human history. They were an unstoppable force. No one could stand against them.

I’m going to tell a story here that illustrates the point I am trying to make. The Mongols had conquered there way west to Russia with ridiculous ease. Then they turned their eyes on Europe. Europe knew they were coming, and a large coalition force prepared to meet then in Poland. When the Mongols struck, the European forces easily defeated them. The Mongols were badly outnumbered and they fled in terror. For three days the Europeans pursed them. The only problem was the retreat was a trick. At the end of three days the pursuing European armies were completely disorganized. They were spread out in a long line with the fastest troops in the front.

The Mongols tore into that line like a Weedwacker tearing apart a patch of dandelions. At the point of contact, where the actual fighting was taking place, the Mongols enjoyed a huge numerical advantage. The European army was decimated. All of Europe was open and largely defenseless. The Mongols prepared to move in. Most military historians agree that they would have conquered all of continental Europe by the end of the summer.

But before the Mongol armies could advance, word reached them that the great Kahn (emperor) had died back in Asia. The invasion was put off until the election of the new Kahn. And somehow, the invasion never got underway again. Other priorities intervened. Western Europe was never conquered. If the great Kahn had lived another couple of months Western Europe would have been conquered and all of the fledgling institutions from which democracy was to emerge probably would have been destroyed.

Paul taught us that “From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries. His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him” (Acts 17:26, 27 NLT). God determined the history of the world in advance, arranging things so that the largest number of people would have the best chance to be saved.

We’re not smarter. If we rock militarily, it’s because it is the will of God for us to have a dominant military position at this time. We aren’t smart enough to run our own economy. We aren’t masterful enough to successfully defend ourselves. Dear brothers and sisters, let us pray. Let us pray constantly. Let us pray for wisdom for our leaders. And let us pray most of all for a great awakening. Nothing less than a great revival can reverse the death spiral that is pulling our culture into a hellish abyss.

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