Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Perfect Mind #6

At this point in human history it is important to spend a few minutes talking about the Perfect Mind and all of the little imperfect minds that He has made in His image. Some of the imperfect minds have drunk deeply from the cup of fear that is one of the favorite beverages of their infernal master, the Devil. These soulless bureaucrats and academics have learned to do some simple mathematics and have come to a dreadful conclusion. The party is over. Our children and grandchildren will have less than we have. We’ve used up all the resources. The human population is too large. Doom is just around the corner. We’ve done the math and the conclusion is as inevitable as it is unavoidable.

All of this seems to resonate with that portion of God’s people who have been flummoxed by another popular lie of the enemy: God is a cosmic grump who is looking over His creation to see who might be having a good time so He can bring that merry making to a proper, sober, grim conclusion as soon as possible.

The only solution, we are told, is to give increasing power to an increasingly atheistic state. We must surrender as much freedom as we can as fast as we can. It is the only way to safety. But not to worry, godless atheists who have a superior capacity for remembering and regurgitating information (taking tests in schools) without any real capacity to understand the facts they have memorized will be watching over the whole process to make sure that the new super-state will be fair and benevolent. We call these people intellectuals and academics, and we can call this new super-state that they want to create a false god.

To which I can only reply, “hogwash.” Need I remind you that until human beings figured out a way to make use of the stuff, that oil seeping out on to farmland was considered a curse? They are trying to tell us that there is an energy crises in a world that has so much energy that you can just about blow everything up simply by breaking the bonds that hold atomic particles together?

They are underestimating the gift that is God’s creation and the capacity for creativity that He has given to His offspring. Once, a long time ago, things were very much as they are now. Human beings were making incredible progress. The Perfect Mind assessed the situation and this was His conclusion: “And now nothing that they purpose to do will be impossible to them.” (Genesis 11:6) That party did come to an end, but it was ended by God’s judgment on human pride and evil, not because of any lack of human creativity or lack of resources.

If the party that is modern civilization comes to an end, it will be due to sin and pride, not a lack of creativity and resources. If you don’t believe me, you might take a moment to think about the fact that you are reading the words of an obscure nobody who is typing away in his modest house in a small town; but because the Perfect Mind allowed a tiny spark from the infinite fire of His mind to dwell in human beings, the potential audience for my little babbling is in the millions.


Liberty Watchman said...

I like your posts on the perfect mind, but I have to disagree with you on this one.

I don't think it's fair or accurate to suggest that believers who conclude that earthly resources are running out and may well result in an era of resource deprivation for our children or grandchildren are somehow discounting the ability of the Perfect Mind to continue 'modern civilization' in a resource plentiful way.

Your post seems to imply: have faith, God has created an enormously rich physical world and enormously creative (but imperfect) minds who will figure it all out and keep us from a future of deprivation.

That would seem to fly in the face of human history which has had any number of boom and bust resource cycles. Perhaps the Perfect Mind will steer us out of the calamity ahead, but perhaps He wont. Absent a prophetic insight, who can say for sure?

But I do agree with you that faith in a government solution is misguided and possibly idolotry.

Brother Mark said...

I think you make a good point, however, I would once again go back to God's statement about mankind before the confusion of the languages. Nothing that they purpose to do will be impossible to them. I am absolutely confident that the answers will be found if we continue on as a free market society.