Friday, January 13, 2012

I Am Weak

I am a created being.  I need to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe.  If I stop doing any of those things I will weaken and die.  When I fast I remind myself that my creator does not have any needs.  He is perpetually sustained by the power of His own inexhaustible life.  When I fast I am reminded of words from “Jesus Loves Me.”  “Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong.”  When I fast I must trust Him, moment by moment throughout the day, to sustain me and give me the physical strength to do my job and complete the activities of my day.  This is just a variation on what I should be doing consciously, moment by moment throughout my non-fasting days:  trusting God for the spiritual strength I need so that I can live for the praise of His glory.

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