Having done a good job of beating up on sins that are less frequently committed by church people, let’s have the courage to take a good long look in the mirror. People with the highest standard of living in human history are going bankrupt because they can’t keep themselves from buying expensive toys that they don’t need and frequently won’t even have the time to play with. Covetousness is idolatry. May God help us to repent and return to moral sanity.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Things To Think About If You Are Killed Because You Got Hit By A Bus While You Were Riding Your Bicycle
Imagine for a moment that the universe consisted of you and two other people. As far as the three of you know no one else exists. Then one day the universe goes crazy. It begins to spasm and shake until, suddenly, one of you is gone. You have no idea where the other person went or if you will ever be with them again.
What have I just described? The beginning of the birth of triplets. They are aware of each other while they are in the womb. Then, suddenly, one of them is gone. I suspect that if we could attach the proper electrodes to the heads of the three babies we would find out that the separation as the first baby leaves the womb is traumatic for all three. But from our perspective, understanding the universe in a way the triplets simply can’t, we wouldn’t feel too much empathy for their emotional distress. We know that in a very, very short time the three babies will be back together again lying side by side.
Let’s leave the three babies at the hospital for a moment while we talk about how we experience time. While time doesn’t change, the way we experience it alters dramatically. The younger you are, the slower time seems to go. I can look back on one Christmas in particular, where it seemed like the period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas lasted about three and a half years.
That same period of time just flies by as an adult. Indeed, many of us might wish that the time would slow down so that we could get everything done in time for the holidays. We have gifts to buy and trees to put up and decorate. The time seems to go so swiftly.
I have reason to believe that this sense of time speeding up never stops as long as we are in this life. I am in my mid-fifties right now, and in the last few years time seems to be going by so quickly that months seem like weeks to me now. I use this to my advantage. I feel like I am never more than 12 weeks away from my vacation. If my vacation is in July, and I am feeling a little tired and in need of a break in April, I remind myself that it will seem like my vacation is only three weeks away. The actual time is three months, but subjectively, it will feel like three weeks to me.
A couple of years ago I asked my then 82 year old father if my sense of time would begin to slow back down when I retired. In retirement we have fewer demands on our time and fewer deadlines. I was surprised when my father told me that time seemed to be flying by even more quickly during his retirement years than it did while he was working.
The older you get, the quicker time seems to go by. Let’s keep that in mind, along with our triplets waiting for us in the hospital, while we think about what it would be like to get hit by a bus.
I was riding my bike about a year ago when I went by a bus depot. All of a sudden this thought popped into my mind: what would happen if I got hit by a bus and was instantly killed? Over the years I have come to recognize that when the Holy Spirit wants to teach me something, He will often begin the lesson by putting a question into my mind.
My first thought was not very profound or spiritual: “If I die right now, who is going to do all those items on my to-do list?” I had just started a new job and my mind was constantly focusing on all the new tasks I needed to learn. But I quickly moved on to thing about more important matters.
How could heaven be heaven if my wife wasn’t there? How could I be happy to go if I had to leave her behind? How could I rejoice if I knew that she was sorrowing? Interesting questions, are they not? Here are some of the things the Holy Spirit brought to my mind to answer those questions.
First, the sorrow is inevitable. My dream would be for us to die together in our sleep some night when we are both in our eighties, but the odds of that happening aren’t good. I can remember a moment, early in our marriage, when I was thinking about this problem, and my conclusion was that we were in a heap of trouble. I was beginning to understand that the bond in marriage was much, much deeper than I had expected it to be. I had seemed to get by just fine for the first 24 years of my life without a wife, but now, all of a sudden, I needed to be with that woman in almost the same way I needed oxygen. She had become emotionally essential to me, and someday one of us would have to go first, and the other one would be devastated.
But that sorrow is part of the package we signed up for. We committed to “until death do us part.” One of us will some day have to pay a price in sorrow for the joy that we have shared. It is inevitable. And in the moment of death, one of the first realizations that must come upon us is the awareness that, if God were to allow us to come back to our physical life, we would only be postponing the sorrow. Sooner or later, one of us will have to pay. It’s inevitable.
The second thought that I had was that a group of people were going to be disappointed no matter what I did. Let me put it to you this way. If my mom knows I’m coming, she’s going to bake a cake and put up some crepe paper in a room somewhere; or she is going to do whatever is the heavenly equivalent of that. So let’s say that I find myself standing beside my crushed bike and my poor, squashed body someday, coming to terms with the fact that my earthly life is over. If I appeal to God, and He decides to do a miracle and lets me come back, some people in heaven are going to be disappointed. It won’t be a big blow for them to have to wait a little longer, but it will still be a reunion postponed.
The third thought I had was that, even if God didn’t let me come back so that I could have some more time with her, that we would only be parted for a moment or two. Remember, the older you get the faster time seems to go by. It was as if the Holy Spirit was saying to me that in the moment of death, your mind goes through and adjustment that lets you see clearly some things that you should have been seeing all along.
The first thing we will clearly see if that this earthly life was supposed to be a pilgrimage. A pilgrim is someone who is on a journey to someplace else. He never completely settles down where he’s at until he arrives at this final destination. You and I are on a journey to a heavenly country. We were never meant to completely settle down here. We should never allow our hearts to become too attached to this place.
We can keep the right attitude by living for the heavenly reward. If I live for the glory of God today and if I invest a portion of my income in His kingdom, I will arrive in that heavenly country in style. There will be rewards waiting for me. Some will have to do with honor and recognition and some of them will probably be material in nature. As Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” The more we invest in our heavenly future, the more real it will become to us.
The second thing we will clearly see is the true extent of our everlasting life span. I used to tell people that we have a life span that you could only begin to measure in units of billions of years. Let me tell you a profound and exciting truth. At some point, we run out of words to describe numbers. I know about billions and trillions. I suppose there are numbers even larger than that, but at some point the mathematicians had to quit. There would be no point in inventing names for numbers that no one in this life would ever use. I don’t know what the name of the largest number in the English language is, but I do know that someday you will have a birthday where the total number of years of your life will be bigger than that number. Bigger than a thousand, which is 10 hundreds of years. Bigger than a million, which is 1,000 thousands of years. Bigger than a billion, which is 1,000 millions of years. Bigger than a trillion, which is 1,000 billions of years.
In this life, if we haven’t had our hearts and minds renewed by the Holy Spirit through the word, we are like the triplets as they are being born. Something is happening. They don’t understand it and they are upset because one of them is suddenly gone from the only universe they know.
But in that heavenly country, the perspective is much like that of the adults in the birthing room waiting for the other two babies to be born. We just have to wait a few minutes more minutes and the other two babies will be along.
They will meet us in that heavenly country and they will comfort us by saying, “Just be patient. The people you love on the earth will be along soon. It won’t seem to take any time at all.” And as they comfort us, we will see clearly and we will understand. They’ll be coming to join us any minute now. And it won’t seem like a long time at all.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Baby Killing
You shouldn’t do anything to a baby inside the womb that you wouldn’t be willing to do to a baby at that same developmental stage outside of the womb with others watching. You can argue all you want about when human life begins, but you know human life when you see it. If someone tried to murder a five month “preemie” while it was in the hospital, we would charge them with murder. Although I would never be able to terminate a pregnancy, I am prepared to admit that I don’t for sure when human life begins. But I know human life when I see it. Certainly we should all be able to instantly agree on this while we continue to debate the morality of a morning after pill. If it looks like a tiny, miniature baby, then it’s a tiny, miniature baby, and to kill it is a monstrous act.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
No-fault divorce is a moral obscenity. When there are no children involved, you have one partner dealing a crushing, permanently life scaring blow to the other. Where children are involved, you have nothing less that emotional child abuse taking place. Please notice that I am only talking about no-fault divorce, although any divorce is emotionally devastating to children. To use an analogy of a few days ago, if all of the tears shed by all of the children because of divorce were to be stored up in bottles, we could pour those bottles out and create a seventh great lake. The landscape of the American continent would be forever altered by these immense new bodies of water. School children would have to learn two more names when memorizing the great lakes: Lake Erie, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan,
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Adultery is a form of extreme emotional cruelty. No one would have anything to do with me if I went home and beat the daylights out of my wife and kids. We no longer tolerate that kind of physical violence. But for some insane reason, most people wouldn’t have a major problem with me if I cheated on my wife. Her friends would be very upset, but I would not be viewed as a moral cripple the same way I would be if I beat my family up physically. Understand this, if you cut your wife, your kids bleed. Today we sneer at a (supposedly) self righteous society that would require a person wear a scarlet letter A in public as a punishment for adultery. Our diseased, morally crippled brains make us think we are more enlightened than that repressive society. If there is even an allegation of physical abuse against children the state rushes in and removes the children from the home pending an investigation. Why are we so uncaring about the emotional damage adultery does to spouses and children?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sexually transmitted diseases can make you sterile, limit and inhibit sexual joy in marriage, and even kill you. If you get an STD that makes you sterile, that means that whatever else you do in your life, you will never collaborate with God in the creation of an immortal being. Billions of years after everything around us has crumbled to dust, our children will still exist in this universe. People with STD’s frequently pay a price for their diseases in their marriages. Certain sexual practices may no longer be safe, and sex may be painful during outbreaks of certain incurable viruses. Last, but not least, sex can kill you. AID’s is a great plague that has killed millions and is expected to result in an estimated fifty million orphans in
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sex outside of marriage is a deeply depraved act. Women are designed to need a lifelong commitment from a man; this is due to the fact that throughout most of human history sex led to babies and a woman alone had no way to provide any quality of life for her children. In modern times sex does not always result in babies because of birth control, and the state, acting as a surrogate father, provides enough financial support for a woman alone to survive with her children. Your brain may understand that times have changed, but your emotional programming doesn’t. If all of the tears of all of the women who have thoughtlessly given themselves away time and time again to uncommitted, uncaring men were stored up in bottles, those bottles could be poured out to create a sixth great lake. Sex outside of marriage harms a man too; it coarsens his nature. But make no mistake about it, if it’s bad for a man it’s a screaming disaster for a woman. In a morally sane society, everyone would shun people who engaged in sex outside of marriage.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Relentless Love
Before we start looking at examples of moral insanity that we are culturally blinded to, let me say a healing word or two. Sin, by it’s very nature, is insane. In the original sin, Satan decided to rebel against a God who was omnipotent and omniscient. That’s just crazy; you’re going to loose. Since then, sin hasn’t gotten any more sane. And all of us are infected. I have committed some of these astonishing moral blunders I am going to describe in upcoming posts (no, I won’t tell you which ones or to what degree); so have you. I don’t write to condemn, I write to enlighten. If even one person can be saved from committing even one of these insane acts, then this blog will have served a good purpose. And if you have committed sins, no matter how terrible, never forget that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin and that the great God of love is relentlessly committed to making you whole.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
George Washington
As a boy, George Washington grew up in a society where slavery was not only an accepted practice, but it was rationalized as a positive good. By the end of his life he had come to understand that slavery was morally indefensible, and arranged to have all of his slaves set free at the time of his death. But when he was a young man, it didn’t bother him. He accepted the rationalizations of his society, and as a result, he was blind to what should have been a glaringly obvious moral truth. What kinds of things are we blind to in our society today? What are we missing?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Great Awakening
I believe that there is a Great Awakening coming that will totally transform our society. God knows:
-when the awakening will start
-when it will end
-every church that will participate
-every church that won't
-everyone who will be:
-restored from backsliding
-filled with the Spirit
-every attack of the enemy will make to hinder the work
-how to deal with these attacks
-how to transition into the awakening
-how to transition out of the awakening
It is not our responsibility to make things happen. What we have to do is to yield ourselves to God so that He can use us in accomplishing His purposes.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Salvation was designed by the perfect mind. Every provision has been made to defeat every move the enemy makes. This is not a see-saw battle that God is just barely winning. In my interior life God has given me everything I need to totally rout the enemy. In my exterior life God will use every apparent victory of the enemy to His advantage. Even when Satan wins Satan looses.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
This entire 'power' of sin thing is a tissue of lies. It is a fraud, a humbug. Once you have a true spiritual revelation of the infinite power that is relentlessly committed to your freedom, the 'unbreakable' shackles of the enemy that bind you suddenly seem to be made of Kleenex.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
We have to be more focused on what we are running to than what we are running from. When the love, joy, and peace begin to flow, most of our reasons for sinning will cease to be.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Perfect Mind
Before anything can happen in your life God knows:
what you should do
what and how you should pray
what you should learn from the situation
what you should prepare for
what you should prevent
what part this plays in His plan for your life
what's going to happen next
In order for us to grow, we are going to have to stop having a panic reaction to adverse circumstances. Faith begins to grow when we remind ourselves of the power and presence of God in our lives at the very beginning of each crises.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Infinite Power
The power of God to fulfill His promises is incalculable and irresistible. He operates inside you and within the circumstances and events of your life.